DATE: Saturday, April 30
TIME: 9 am to 5 pm (includes one hour lunch break)

INSTRUCTOR: Christina Aumann


CLASS SIZE: 6 Students

Do you have favorite song lyrics that are meaningful to you? This hands-on course will include an explanation of how metal type is organized in the California job case, how to handset type (AKA Composing), as well as discussions and demonstrations on leading and justification, all using a selection of vintage type from the museum's collection.

Learn how to lock up your form, ink, and print using a Vandercook press. Learn how to clean up and distribute your type back into the typecase.

For the safety of the class, participants will need to wear masks while indoors and provide proof of vaccination.

About the Instructor:

Christina Aumann combines contemporary design with analog typography and vintage letterpress printmaking technologies.She views the letterforms she works with as miniature sculptures with battle scars from years of living. These imperfections reveal themselves in the prints, adding a human quality to her artwork. Aumann received a BA in Studio Arts from University of California, Santa Barbara, and her work has been exhibited at venues including Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Brewery Project, and Artworks/Bookarts. She is an assistant professor at ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, and recipient of a 2017 Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography Educators Grant.